Have you ever been asked to do something that seemed unusual or potentially disruptive? Did the requests escalate according to your willingness to do unexplained things without question? Have you ever been given “secret” and extremely derogatory “information” about an individual who otherwise seemed perfectly respectable and even the kind of person who would fight for human rights?
You may be contributing to a global terrorism problem without even realizing it.
There exists a growing problem in the world of organized hate groups who use tactics like this to carry out coordinated harassment of vulnerable minorities, especially those who are genetically diverse such as autistic people.
The problem is so bad that the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has documented the organized harassment tactics which are commonly used by these human rights violating hate groups. See the following link for the full document: United Nations OHCHR information about Organized Harassment Techniques
Investigation Progress
I hhad proceeded with the assumption that the covert operations which I have personally been investigating and which have been documented by the United Nations were being carried out by some legitimate government agency. Through the course of this investigation I reached a proof by contradiction result that the operations are not part of any legitimate government operation. This of course does not exempt the intelligence community from responsibility because it is their mandated responsibility to combat terrorist operations like the ones described by myself and by the United Nations OHCHR.
I have received some new information which I am contemplating as credible information coming directly from Canada’s accountability agency, NSIRA. This requires a complete reassessment of all existing data. I will update the public about the results of my findings once the process is complete. It appears that CSIS may not be directly responsible for the organized harassment which has been described by the United Nations OHCHR.
It seems that the source of corruption in Canada’s government, judiciary and various non-profit social infrastructure as well as various for-profit companies and religious organizations is a multi-national terror group which is based on the original Nazi ideology of hatred and genocide. They have augmented their tactics to use “no touch torture” as defined by the United Nations Office of the High Commission for Human Rights, described below:
See the Original Document Here
See my latest blog post complete with evidence of the terror attacks committed by CSIS using taxpayers money.
Canada’s justice system is so fully corrupted that government employees are getting away with murder. This site contains the scandalous life story of a renowned Whistleblower who is still suffering persecution after barely surviving attempted assassination and political imprisonment in Canada, right now, TODAY in 2024. Suffering in silence far worse than other scandals you have heard about such as Julian Assange. DrewZero® created GovernmentExpenses.ca, which Macleans magazine says is one of the most important contributions to the political process. DrewZero® has been targeted by the corrupt government ever since.
The corrupt state-sponsored terrorist cowards who are behind the attacks against this whistleblower need to be brought to justice because they are so lacking in integrity that they will never willingly admit to what they have done, despite the plethora of irrefutable evidence. They are so incompetent in their corruption that they can’t even kill helpless DrewZero®, so there is absolutely NOTHING to fear from them any longer. Let us all be inspired to STAND UP AGAINST CORRUPTION! DrewZero® has blazed the way to a more accountable Canada.
Last Updated January 26, 2025 by DrewZero®

*** I am STILL WAITING for MP Dr. Hedy Fry to approve the anti-corruption petition!!! WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG DR FRY?!?! UPDATE: Dr Fry has refused to support the anti-corruption initiative that I created!!!
TO HELP, PLEASE EMAIL Dr. Hedy Fry, and ask her why she is rejecting the accountability petition!?
Here’s the email I received:

(le français suit)
House of Commons Petitions
This is to inform you that Hedy Fry, MP, has not authorized the publication of petition e-4814 on the petitions website of the House of Commons. At the bottom of this e-mail, you will find, if any, comments provided by the Member of Parliament in the original language of submission.
In order to allow your e-petition to proceed further, please log into your account on the petitions website and select another Member of Parliament.
Please do not reply to this email. If you have questions about the e-petition process or encounter technical problems, please visit the petitions website or contact the Clerk of Petitions at [email protected].
Pétitions de la Chambre des communes
Le présent message vise à vous informer que la députée Hedy Fry n’a pas accepté votre demande d’autorisation de publication de la pétition e-4814 sur le site Web des pétitions de la Chambre des communes. Vous trouverez à la suite du message, dans la langue où ils ont été rédigés, les commentaires formulés par la députée, le cas échéant.
Pour que votre pétition puisse passer aux étapes suivantes, veuillez choisir un autre député à qui la demande sera envoyée à partir de votre compte du site Web des pétitions.
Nous vous prions de ne pas répondre au présent courriel. Si vous avez des questions sur le processus des pétitions électroniques ou si vous éprouvez des problèmes techniques, veuillez consulter le site Web des pétitions ou communiquer avec le greffier des pétitions à [email protected].
Here’s a video of me at the office of Dr Fry:
We are trying to get this ACCOUNTABILITY AGENCY created:
DrewZero® is a Whistleblower and neurodiversity rights activist. He created GovernmentExpenses.ca which Macleans magazine says is one of the most important contributions to the political process. As thanks for his hard work, DrewZero® has been targeted by the corrupt government spy group known as CSIS. DrewZero® has been put through brutal treatments including a wrongful conviction, torture, and attempted assassination. The government now owes DrewZero® enormous damages to restore his life. We are also waiting for them to investigate the events of 2011-09-30, as well as a string of related incidents where DrewZero® was nearly murdered and the corrupt authorities behaved in a totally inappropriate, and arguably criminal fashion.
Email DrewZero® [email protected]
Call DrewZero® 604-657-2386
Here’s another example of how corrupt the Canadian justice system is. DrewZero® had been waiting years for transcripts to be produced by the crown for an appeal. The crown sent some of the transcripts, but held onto most of them, refusing to provide them to DrewZero®. DrewZero® complained about this to the judge, but the crown swore that they had sent all of the transcripts. So the judge dismissed the case because DrewZero® was unable to prepare his brief. After waiting years for the crown to send the transcripts to DrewZero®, less than an hour after the case was dismissed, suddenly the crown sent DrewZero® the missing transcripts. See the original Emails here.

Accountability Now!
The purpose of this movement is described by DrewZero™ in a nutshell:
I barely survived a murder on 2011-09-30 which was carried out by the network of corruption which infiltrates nearly every single infrastructure I have investigated and which I have traced back to the five eyes terror group.
Just to be clear about my logic in implicating CSIS in these acts of terrorism, let me explain how I have deduced that it can be only them who has committed all of these crimes against me. I didn’t even need any of the inside sources I’ve come across to figure it out.
First of all, CSIS cannot deny awareness of the problem. I have gone through the formal complaint process with the director and with NSIRA. So they definitely know about it, there’s no denying that. Once I have completed my second full formal complaint process with NSIRA I will post all of the evidence here.
The problem is significant enough that it is certainly within their mandate, considering that there have been multiple attempted murders and several successful murders by the perpetrators, both at the time I was attacked, and subsequent to it after the killers were allowed to go scot free without any accountability for having attacked me. This has been all across Canada and has clearly been organized from some remote location, which is clearly a huge deal. They have been known to target small-time thugs like Jimmy Melvin who was a gang leader in Spryfield and he only committed one murder that he almost got away with, but with his organized gang structure could certainly be a threat to public safety if left to his own devices. A much more organized nationwide terrorist network that targets people who make some of “the most important contributions to the political process” is a pretty huge problem. The targeting of me has been primarily for murder and more recently for disruption of my ability to be housed and my ability to function. They have even stolen medical records to weaponize them in their attempts to cause harm in these terrorist attacks. That information has been deployed all across the country as I can personally testify to.
That’s definitely a terrorist network in operation and if it WASN’T CSIS who was organizing it, then they would definitely be mandated to intervene and put a stop to it. This would be extremely simple, considering that the 2011-09-30 attempted murder against me and subsequent judicial corruption is easily provable. That incident is now within federal jurisdiction because the CCRG needs to take action to exonerate me and force a full investigation into the incident. This is definitely within the scope of CSIS and I have identified CSIS members who work at my local MP office and they are doing nothing but stonewalling me. See the latest video of my attempts to communicate with them on https://ZeroJustice.ca
So there is no error in my logic here. CSIS is involved in these acts of terrorism. They are indeed a bona-fide terror group. The fact that they are targeting me, a vulnerable autistic man who devoted his life to creating some of the “most important contributions to the political process” is surely the clearest case demonstrating that CSIS is a terror group which is attempting to subvert the political process in Canada.
In the aftermath of the 2011-09-30 horrific terrifying near death experience having been inflicted on me by my own government, that same corrupt government infrastructure used the courts as a Kangaroo Court device to fabricate the appearance of justification for failing to investigate the murder and to lock me up so that the murder could be finished off by a prison inmate.
Corrupt reporter Blair Rhodes used the CBC to publish defamatory libel about me which has been disseminated by them now for the decade. They are also disseminating death threats and other hate propaganda. Anyone who wants to help me sue them, please get in touch ASAP. The damages are accumulating and are now aggravated because I have informed them about the libel and hate speech and they continue to disseminate it.
But that’s not all I have been through. In March 2009, a few days before St. Patrick’s day, a hit man was sent to kill me as I walked home from the non profit “Halifax Social” group meeting I had chaired. He drove up in a taxi, got out, and without saying a word, he walked quickly up to me and cracked the back of my neck with a blunt object. I survived this and Halifax police officers Cst. David Comer and Cst. Raj Mejal put me in jail while I was still bleeding from the back of my head. I presume this is why CSIS sent a guy into Springhill Institution to befriend me and make frequent jokes about me having a plate in the back of my head.
The Springhill attack took place on 2017-07-17 on camera in front of guards. I suffered broken bones and severed nerves and a severed artery in my face. Despite all of this documented evidence, the hit man has never been charged and he was let out of prison by the corrupt Parole Board of Canada where he carried out another attempted murder against a school teacher in New Brunswick, and the murder of two other people in the area. Had he been held accountable for the 2017-07-17 attack, he would never have been sent off Scot free to commit those other murders.
There exists a massive and well organized network of corruption operating in Canada which infects nearly every single public body, vital service and support system. This page was created by DrewZero™, the whistleblower who founded GovernmentExpenses.ca. DrewZero™ was held for TEN YEARS as a political prisoner and he is now demanding exoneration, transparency, and accountability.
The purpose of this page is to expose the perpetrators of the corruption network in Canada, to explain who they work for, what their goals are and to demand recourse and restitution for the victims, including DrewZero™. DrewZero™ has endured multiple attempted murders against his life, along with a decade long ordeal as a political prisoner in Canada, ever since the 2011-09-30 attempted murder against DrewZero™. This attempted murder committed against DrewZero™ resulted in the death of Ward Robinson, which makes it a full blown unsolved homicide. This homicide along with many others over the years have been covered up by the corrupt justice system. The truth must be admitted. The 2011-09-30 murder must be investigated. Significant evidence is still waiting to be assessed, analyzed and even collected.
DrewZero™ cannot collect this evidence himself because he is in an irreconcilable conflict of interest, having been a primary victim of the offences. The authorities, notably the Halifax Regional Police, are still refusing to do their job! This must be what was meant by HRP member Scott Beazley when he asserted in 2008 that DrewZero™ doesn’t have any rights.
Corruption in Canada has gotten so bad that it has eroded human rights to the point that a targeted individual no longer has the right to survive murder.
DrewZero® has had to live in the forest in a tent for a significant amount of time because he wasn’t able to get housing due to the systemic corruption of the CSIS spy group targeting him throughout Canada. Their corrupt people kept lying to him and saying that he was on a waiting list, upping the estimate for how long the waiting list is every year or so. The last lie came from corrupt social worker Corrie Funk at Ravensong medical clinic who told DrewZero® that there was a ten year waiting list for housing. She failed to mention that the corrupt outreach who claimed to have submitted the application had not actually done so.
This is enforced by a nearly all inclusive network of judicial corruption across Canada. Corrupt lawyers misquote case precedents to justify incorrect rulings by corrupt judges in the massive judicial corruption network. Even worse, they run completely fake trials in Kangaroo courts which are not televised and so are not scrutinized as they might otherwise be. DrewZero™ personally went through this and was shocked and horrified to see that this is even possible in Canada, but apparently it is normal and common according to various sources. Supporting the fake trials are corrupt reporters like Blair Rhodes of the CBC.
Lawyers who refuse to comply with the demands of the corruption network will be framed for something they did not do, and then wrongfully convicted. Even if they are exonerated on appeal, their career is still dead. This is what happened to Lyle Howe of Halifax. The Halifax police are the most corrupt policing organization which DrewZero™ has ever investigated.
No one can trust the Canadian justice system or any judicial or quasi-judicial body in our entire country, thanks to this massive network of corruption.
DrewZero™ has been severely punished for surviving multiple attempts on his life. He demands justice! Anyone who delays or denies the truth is complicit in these targeted attacks against Canada’s accountability guy, DrewZero™. It is time for accountability.
It appears that the purpose of Canada trying to murder DrewZero™ was to shut down his GovernmentExpenses.ca whistleblower project. It is truly disturbing when a government targets a good Samaritan whistleblower to stop him from spreading peaceful accountability. Despite these attacks which have caused massive bodily harm, DrewZero™ lives and continues to put a spotlight onto the corruption! This series of events demonstrates that the people who try to harm whistleblowers are incompetent children. There is no need to fear speaking out against corruption. The corrupt children will want to harm you, but they cannot. DrewZero™ is a symbol of bold confidence in speaking up to correct serious problems in our society.
How can we be sure that Canada is complicit in the string of attempted murders committed against DrewZero™?
Because they have had the opportunity to exonerate him, thereby forcing a full investigation into the 2011-09-30 murder for several years now. Despite the fact that CSIS knows exactly what happened and more importantly, what didn’t happen, the CCRG is still not making any progress in carrying out their duty to justice. MPs are not speaking up either. Instead, they have been busy giving a standing ovation to a Nazi war criminal. This is a sign of the times.
Here is a picture of part of the protest event in Ottawa, in front of the courthouse as the corrupt spy Cameron Ortis walks out with his lawyer.

Oh Canada! DrewZero™ stands on guard for thee.
Here comes the corrupt RCMP official who was too busy selling secrets to organized criminals to do any kind of investigation into stopping the organized attacks against me.

Why are the people who work in this building now personally involved in the ongoing terror operation?
Because the attacks against DrewZero™ continue and are never going to cease until either DrewZero™ is dead or the trail is followed which leads all the way back to the 2011-09-30 attempted homicide committed against me and beyond. The government roadblock into the investigation encourages the criminals who feel empowered to do whatever they want to DrewZero™.
For instance, when DrewZero™ was housed in a single-room SRO which had no fridge, no stove, no way to cook any food and the neighbours were endlessly making noise all night every night and leaking information to me in the process about what they were doing and why they were doing it, quoting “do you really think this is a legitimate operation?”, there were two home invasions committed against me which I reported to the VPD. One of them was a guy who came a second time with a knife and though he did not breach the front door at that time, when DrewZero™ closed the door on him, he stabbed the door with a knife.
After this happened, the landlord, corrupt Rod Ramsay, evicted DrewZero™ on an expedited basis to have to go live in a tent for several months because, in his words which you can hear on the transcript below, “someone is going to get hurt”.

Vulnerable people, particularly those who are NeuroDiverse, will never be safe until Canada eliminates the massive corruption problem in this country. Since DrewZero™ is in harms way anyway, he have begun the process of joining the Canadian Armed Forces and perhaps he can do something more directly to put an end to this domestic terrorism. DrewZero™’s CAF service number is C40-312-063.

Canada and it is now suspected the USA and the Five-Eyes terror group as a whole tried repeatedly to murder DrewZero™.
DrewZero™ survived, so Canada “kidnapped” him from the hospital, to put him through a blatant Kangaroo court, locked him up with an unrepaired broken leg, and tried to destroy his mind with forced injections in an MKUltra-like mind control program at the ECFH.
DrewZero™ took the government to court to stop them from drugging him, so Canada sent a hit man to murder DrewZero™ again while he was left for dead in Springhill Institution still with a broken leg on 2017-07-17.
DrewZero™ survived yet again so Canada dragged him in and out of prisons forcefully without explanation for as long as the corrupt courts would allow.
Canada then left DrewZero™ homeless and vulnerable to the next phase of torture, which is still ongoing and involves various psy-ops and “gangstalking” by corrupt CSIS and the CIA.
Despite all of this adversity, DrewZero™ remains very alive and more devoted than ever to eliminating the corruption in Canada.
DrewZero™ is going to be a very inconvenient thorn in the corrupt government’s side until they admit to the truth and the perpetrators are held accountable.
PARLIAMENTARY PROTEST UPDATE: The Parliament of Canada has officially tried to suppress this website. If there were no grain of truth contained herein, or if DrewZero™ were not a credible source, then why would they even bother with such restrictions? Here’s proof:

This attempted suppression lends only more credibility to the allegations which DrewZero™ levels at these players. This heightened credibility increases DrewZero™’s ethical burden to remain objective and provably factual. Consider this a disclaimer that DrewZero™ is reporting on intelligence which he reasonably believes to be true based largely on his own personal information and other collaborative information from a credible sources. This page is only a brief summary of the intelligence generated thus far. The complete package of evidence and information exists elsewhere.
It has been discovered that in order to do this, an entire network of corruption across our country, and most likely spanning the globe will have to be infiltrated and brought out into the light for transparency and accountability. This of course makes the stakes very high. Seemingly insurmountable. Anyone could put a stop to it at any moment just by putting a bullet in DrewZero™’s head. Watch closely as DrewZero™ not only survives, but also stands firmly as the beacon of truth and justice for all to see.
Unfortunately, given what DrewZero™ has been through, no one can trust the Canadian judiciary. If they can do this to DrewZero™, the most devoted transparency and accountability whistleblower, they can do it to anyone!
DrewZero™ is the whistleblower who created GovernmentExpenses.ca, which Maclean’s magazine says is one of the “six most important (and, in a way, exciting) contributions to the political process.”
On 2011-09-30, DrewZero™ was nearly murdered for the second time since 2009 by an organized group which is now believed to be linked to CSIS, the CIA and the RCMP. These supposed “national security” groups arguably can appear to be de facto terror groups at times.
The Cameron Ortis scandal barely scratches the surface of problems found inside our national security apparatus. These groups are undeniably important. They are undeniably powerful. And terrifyingly, they are undeniably the most opaque, accountability-lacking groups in our entire society. This is changing, despite the kicking and screaming of some of those involved.
Massively destructive secret operations have already been uncovered, like the brutal human torture and mind control projects which were operating in Canadian mental health institutions. This project used to be called MKUltra, until the perpetrators were originally caught many years ago. The CIA was supposed to have stopped these programs, but DrewZero™ has seen ample evidence that the chaos continues even now.
Despite having been caught carrying out these horrifying torture operations, nothing was done to restructure the CIA to prevent the occurrence of additional tragedies due to the abuse of unmitigated power. It can’t possibly be any surprise that it happened again. Furthermore, if one looks at the history of the formation of the CIA, they inducted Nazi war criminals into their ranks. The kind of people who were carrying out “MKUltra” type projects on Jewish people during the holocaust. What did anyone expect to happen?
While wrongfully incarcerated, DrewZero™ was both subjected to and witness to others being subjected to the latest incarnation of “MKUltra”. Several corrupt doctors have been identified. The new name of this terror program is currently classified. DrewZero™ encourages a whistleblower to make contact and disclose the real name of this program.
After barely surviving a second attempted murder on 2011-09-30, DrewZero™ was framed for a car crash he knows nothing about. DrewZero™ had been drugged into unconsciousness by Michael Lamoureux about 5 hours prior to the incident. Evidence was fabricated by Cst. Robert Tortola. Evidence was destroyed by lawyer Eugene Tan. Witnesses were made to disappear. The entire charade was a brazen example of a Kangaroo court. Several of the perpetrators have been known since day 1 and have been allowed to run around Scot free, carrying out more criminal activities.
It has been known since day 1 that Jonas Bohn was involved in this crash. It has been known since day 1 that Michael Lamoureux drugged DrewZero™. The blood sample to prove it is on file. Nobody will run the necessary lab tests, because it is the responsibility of the Halifax Regional Police, who are corrupt. It has been known since day 1 that off-duty paramedic Greg Dunbar was the first responder, but Cst. Robert Tortola LIED under oath to cover this up.
The purpose of this wrongful conviction was to have DrewZero™ locked up in Springhill Institution where the next attempted murder took place on 2017-07-17, with the help of various staff at that institution. DrewZero™ had been left neglected with a broken leg until after he survived the 2017 attempted murder. Despite the fact that the assault took place on camera in front of guards, and resulted in broken bones in DrewZero™’s face, no charges have ever been laid. Policy requires that when an assault results in a broken bone, the police absolutely must lay a charge regardless of whether the victim wants to proceed or not. In this case, the RCMP are guilty of actually setting up the hit, just as they set up countless other murders in our country, some of which DrewZero™ has knowledge of. The RCMP would have to lay a charge against themselves in addition to the scumbag hit man they hired, just like they did with their top level intelligence guy, Cameron Ortis. Rest assured, more charges are coming.
To really drive home the point about the corruption existing at the highest levels, the perpetrator of the 2017-07-17 murder was set free by the corrupt Parole Board of Canada (PBC), at which point he immediately went and carried out another attempted murder against a school teacher in New Brunswick.
The Criminal Conviction Review Group is dragging their heels before admitting the truth about the 2011-09-30 Wrongful Conviction. Email them and tell them to HURRY UP AND ADMIT THE TRUTH!!! Start the investigation into the 2011-09-30 murder of Ward Robinson and attempted murder of Drew McPherson! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!
DrewZero™ has been homeless or at risk of homelessness ever since the sentence for his wrongful conviction expired. He has been enduring an onslaught of CIA/CSIS “psy-ops” which have been designed to cause a mental breakdown so that he can be locked up into the current incarnation of the “MKUltra” program. Some of the attacks include sending noisy people into homeless shelters or SRO dwellings to make noise every single night, so that sleep deprivation will ensue. There were nearly daily break-ins during which the thieves sprayed noxious chemicals which have been identified as containing (E)-2-octenal and (E)-2-hexenal, and spreading biological weapons, such as cimex lectularius. There have been slews of so-called “gangstalkers” attempting to intimidate or trigger DrewZero™. Private medical information which was stolen by corrupt parole officer Helene St-Onge has been weaponized in these attacks. Fortunately the information in the medical file was fabricated in order to protect DrewZero™ and to aid in identifying the perpetrators and their techniques.
Despite their best attempts, the perpetrators of these attacks have done nothing more than expose themselves even further.
The breadth of scope of the grip of terror held by these perpetrators is overwhelming and includes corrupted staff in nearly every single judicial and quasi-judicial body, as well as all services which are supposed to be helping vulnerable and marginalized people, such as homeless shelters, mental health groups, hospitals, prisons, policing agencies, and housing outreach organizations. Nearly every single oversight body which has been investigated thus far has been identified as being at least ineffective, but the reason for that is most likely corruption at that level in order to cover up the ethical misconduct of the corrupted members it is supposed to be overseeing. This includes the College of Physicians and Surgeons in every province investigated so far, the Colleges of Registered Nurses and Licenced Practical Nurses, the Barrister’s society, the Canadian Judicial Council, and others.
Here is a letter which was sent to CSIS on 2023-11-13:
The only oversight organizations which have showed no signs of corruption so far are the Nova Scotia Ombudsman, and the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC).
Many police organizations have been corrupted across the country, such as the Halifax Regional Police in Nova Scotia, and the RCMP all the way to the top. See Cameron Ortis news.
Police organizations which have thus far shown no signs of corruption include the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC), the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) and the Ottawa Police Service. It is likely that the bad guys will target these police services to try to discredit them, because they don’t have an inside man.
The nearly complete infiltration of vital public services facilitates the coverup of illegal terror operations by targeting whistleblowers, like DrewZero™, no matter where they may seek refuge or social assistance.
Several high profile media personalities have become so-called “targeted individuals” and are feeling the wrath psy-ops attacks and gangstalking, including online gangstalking. Some are likely being attacked because their personality assessment indicates that they have character and integrity and would not be susceptible to being bought off in order to control their media reporting. If you happen to be one of these media personalities who is under attack, please get in touch with DrewZero™ and we will organize a resistance.
At the present time, the biggest threat to the continued operation of secret illegal programs is the information possessed by DrewZero™. He publicly acknowledges the fact that he intends to disclose everything in the appropriate forum. He insists on substantial restructuring of the corrupt intelligence community. There must be an adequate and properly secure transparency and accountability with designated officials and an overarching accountability to the Canadian public.
Despite the overwhelming burden of all of the above, DrewZero™ has survived and remains resilient in his fight against corruption, just like one of his heroes, Mr. Eliot Ness. The reason all this is possible is that he knows something that you don’t know. Watch and learn.